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6 steps to improve water efficiency in the Dairy Industry

26 July 2024

Waterleau can significantly enhance water recovery in the dairy industry through various innovative technologies and strategies. Each component of their system addresses specific challenges associated with water usage and sustainability in dairy operations.

Wastewater Treatment

The BIOTIM® anaerobic-aerobic biological wastewater treatment technologies are capable of handling the high-strength organic loads typical of dairy effluent. This reduces the environmental impact and helps dairies comply with stringent discharge regulations, while also preparing the water for potential reuse within the plant. The recovered biogas from the anaerobic wastewater treatment can be reused as a green energy source, also reducing the plants water, energy and CO2 footprint.

Dairy wastewater typically has a high BOD. KROFTA® DAF technology is frequently used for removal of suspended solids and Fat, Oil & Grease (FOG) in the rich wastewater. The fast and cost-effective DAF technology can be easily scaled to accommodate varying wastewater volumes, making them suitable for bath small and large dairy operations.

Effluent Reuse with Reverse Osmosis Permeate Recovery

Our AQUALITY® reverse osmosis (RO) systems is designed to purify treated wastewater further. After primary and secondary treatments, RO systems can remove dissolved salts and micro-pollutants, producing high-quality permeate (filtered water) that is safe for reuse for various non-product contact purposes, such as cleaning, cooling, or irrigation, significantly reducing the freshwater demand. AQUALITY® Reverse Osmosis allows to recover up to 75 % of the treated wastewater.

Increased RO Permeate Reclamation from High Recovery Reverse Osmosis

Recovery rates up to 90 % are possible applying Waterleau’s AQUALITY® High Recovery Reverse Osmosis systems, using specialized membranes and optimized operational parameters, which reduce the volume of concentrate (brine) generated. This technology enhances overall water efficiency and reduces the amount of concentrate that needs further treatment or disposal, lowering operational costs and environmental footprint. Compared to traditional RO, the AQUALITY® High Recovery process offers more operational flexibility and minimizes CIP frequency.

Rainwater Harvesting

Collected and stored rainwater from building roofs and other surfaces can be treated minimally and used for purposes like landscape irrigation or as make-up water for cooling towers, reducing dependence on municipal water supplies. But the recovered rainwater can be added to the biological treatment effluent and processed for further reuse in an AQUALITY® RO or HRRO process, leveraging a free and sustainable water source, enhancing water security.

Cow Water Reclamation

During milk processing, significant amounts of water vapor are generated, which can be captured. Waterleau’s systems can recover this condensate, which is generally of high purity, requiring minimal treatment before reuse. Milk vapour condensate and whey permeate recovery not only conserves water but also recycles heat energy from the vapours, reducing energy consumption.

Evaporation of RO Concentrate

Waterleau can provide evaporation technologies to treat RO concentrate, reducing its volume and allowing for the recovery of salts and other minerals. This process minimizes waste disposal costs and can lead to medium or zero liquid discharge (MLD or ZLD) systems with minimal brine rejection.

Through these integrated approaches, Waterleau helps the dairy industry significantly improve its water management practices, turning traditional waste streams into valuable resources, and leading to substantial economic and environmental benefits. This comprehensive water recovery and reuse strategy is essential for sustainable dairy processing in today's environmentally conscious market.


Our expertise in improving the water and CO2 footprint management not only helps dairy companies in compliance and operational efficiency but also enhances their ability to report on sustainability, thus benefiting their public image and marketability. Through this holistic approach to environmental management Waterleau can be a valuable partner for companies looking to thrive under the evolving regulatory landscape and consumer expectations.

Join us for our upcoming webinar

Join us for our upcoming webinar, "Leading Dairy into the Future: Pioneering Sustainable Water Practices," presented in collaboration with Niras Consulting and Waterleau. This webinar will address critical challenges in the dairy industry and showcase business cases and future perspectives in the dairy sector.

Webinar Details:

  • Date: August 28, 2024
  • Time: 2:00 PM (CET)
  • Speakers:
    • Søren Nøhr Bak, Senior Expert Water at Niras Consulting
    • Daan Vandeplassche, Commercial Leader Dairy at Waterleau

Endorsed by Danish Society of Dairy Technology

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