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Modular wastewater treatment plant: WaterleauBox®

Compact and modular water technology solutions

Prefabricated and containerized solutions for every water treatment step

WaterleauBox® is a range of smart water technologies, reimagined as boxed, mobile and plug-and play solutions.

With a WaterleauBox® available for every single step of the water technology train, we can help you pick the right box needed for getting your treatment facility back on track.

No need for drastic interventions, the WaterleauBox® solution is designed for easy deployment.

Upgrading an existing facility step by step

With more wastewater available, you might want to unfold the energy potential of your factory wastewater. Our WaterleauBox® anaerobic tower is a compact solution for turning the organic pollution of wastewater into biogas. The compact, containerized solution is designed for easy deployment into an existing treatment plant. The recovered biogas will help cutting down your factory energy and carbon footprint.

WaterleauBox® provides a solution to cut the water footprint too. Connect our containerized Membrane Bioreactor to your aerobic treatment and make sure your effluent quality will comply with discharge regulations. Or be ready for reuse.

With high quality effluent available, it takes just one more box to increase your factory plant water efficiency. Our compact high recovery reverse osmosis unit guarantees up to 90 % water recovery, returning top quality drinking water to your factory.

Advantages of modular sewage and water treatment plants

Modular treatment plants, such as the WaterleauBox, offer numerous benefits that make them an efficient and versatile solution for a wide range of applications:

  1. Faster Project Completion: Pre-fabricated and pre-tested, modular plants significantly reduce design, construction, and commissioning time, enabling rapid deployment.
  2. Compact Design: Their small footprint minimizes space requirements, making them ideal for locations with limited availability.
  3. Land Savings: Modular systems eliminate the need for extensive infrastructure, preserving valuable land for other uses.
  4. Adaptable to Challenging Locations: Easy to transport and install, they are well-suited for remote or hard-to-access sites.
  5. CAPEX-Free Option: With flexible financing or leasing options, modular plants allow for cost-efficient water treatment without the need for upfront capital expenditure.
  6. Scalable and Flexible: Modular units can be expanded or reconfigured to meet changing capacity needs or treatment requirements.
  7. Eco-Friendly Solution: Built for efficiency, these systems reduce energy consumption and environmental impact compared to traditional treatment plants.

A capex-free solution

WaterleauBox® is designed for maximum flexibility. All Waterleau Box units are available as rental units. No CAPEX needed for upgrading your existing plant.

Connected to our SmartLab digital platform

Every WaterleauBox® is connected to our SmartLab® Cloud platform. With information available 24/7, our Waterleau experts make sure your WaterleauBox® solution achieves maximum performance at minimum cost.

Providing modular sewage solutions worldwide worldwide

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