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Plant upgrades

Upgrade your plant to the best available technology. Improve your plant performance, efficiency and achieve your sustainability goals with a software or hardware upgrade.

Upgrading infrastructure : Making your treatment facility future proof.

Is your current water treatment plant struggling to meet new regulatory requirements or your company's energy consumption, by-product valorization, or production capacity targets? Contact us to explore solutions for upgrading your plant.

Tailored Solutions for Evolving Discharge Limits and Targets

If your discharge limits or targets are changing, Waterleau offers expert advice and guidance across multiple disciplines. Whether you need to implement odor control, improve calamity management, or introduce in-line measurements to enhance treatment autonomy and compliance, we have you covered. Facing stricter nitrogen and phosphorus limits? We can help you optimize nutrient removal while keeping operational costs in check.

Focus on Energy Reduction and Efficiency

Waterleau is dedicated to energy reduction. We support the implementation of biogas valorization and other energy-saving measures to enhance the efficiency and sustainability of your wastewater treatment operations.

Case: Improving sludge dewatering capacity.

The replacement of a decanter at our client's wastewater treatment plant became imperative due to insufficient dewatering capacity and escalating operational costs. The inadequate dewatering capacity had a significant negative impact on the performance of the aerobic system, as the excessive sludge could not be effectively managed. The client sought to enhance dewatering capacity while reducing maintenance and overall costs.

Waterleau conducted a thorough assessment and identified a suitable dewatering unit that met the process requirements and fit within the available footprint.

Waterleau implemented several strategic steps to ensure success:

  1. Optimal Solution Selection: A proven belt press was identified as the ideal replacement, offering superior dewatering efficiency and reduced maintenance requirements.
  2. Precision Installation: The belt press was installed on the second floor of the building, necessitating precise work to remove the old unit and fit the new one seamlessly.
  3. Expert Project Management: The project was executed flawlessly, thanks to meticulous planning and excellent supervisory management.

The strategic upgrade not only increased the dewatering capacity but also significantly reduced maintenance costs, leading to enhanced overall system performance and operational efficiency.

Seamlessly Integrating the Belt Press into Existing Infrastructure

Fitting the belt press within the existing building and connecting it posed a significant technical challenge. Following thorough preliminary research, the old equipment was carefully removed using a crane. An interior beam was employed to assist in extracting the old unit. Similarly, the new belt press was lifted to the second floor with a crane. A ceiling-mounted beam on the second floor supported the weight and guided the belt press into its designated position. This meticulous process ensured that the belt press fit perfectly and integrated seamlessly with the existing infrastructure.

Top-Notch Project Management by Waterleau

In conclusion, the successful installation of the belt press at the WWTP, despite significant technical challenges, underscores the effectiveness of precise planning and skilled supervision. This achievement not only enhanced the plant's sludge management capabilities but also demonstrated the team's ability to innovate and adapt within existing infrastructure constraints.

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Contact us today. We are looking forward to help you reach your sustainable development goals.